Exception Fields
Field Name | Description |
Action | Brief description of the action. |
ClientID | ID of the
client. |
CYBSExceptionID | Exception ID number assigned by Cybersource . |
DccLookupStatus | DCC lookup status of
the transaction. |
DccExchangeRate | DCC exchange rate of
the transaction. |
DccMarginRate | DCC margin rate of the
transaction. |
ExceptionAmount | Amount specified in the exception. |
ExceptionAmount Currency | Exception currency represented in ISO 4217:2008 alpha-3. |
ExceptionCategory | Type of exception. |
ExceptionDate | Date of exception. |
ExceptionDescription | Description of
exception. |
ExceptionDeviceHardwareRevision | Hardware revision
number of the device. |
ExceptionDeviceID | ID of the
device. |
ExceptionDeviceOS | Operating system of the
device. |
ExceptionDeviceOS Version | Operating system verion
of the device. |
ExceptionDevice TerminalID | Device Terminal ID
number. |
ExceptionMessage | Description of the exception. |
ExceptionReasonCode | Reason code for the error that occurred. This reason code is
the same one that you receive in the response or transaction
receipt. |
ExceptionReason Description | Description of exception reason. |
ExceptionStatus | Current status of the transaction. |
ExceptionStatusCode | Status code of the
exception. |
ExceptionType | Type of exception. |
FinancialStatus | Financial status of the transaction. |
LastActionDate | Date of last action on the transaction. |
LocalCurrencyCode | Local currency code. |
NextActionDate | Date of next action on the transaction. |
OriginalTransaction SubmissionDate | Date on which the transaction was submitted. |
PartnerMerchantID | Merchant ID of
partner. |
PartnerMerchantName | Merchant name of
partner. |
PaymentNumber | Payment number. |
ProcessorCaseID | Processor-assigned case number |
ProcessorResponseCode | Code returned directly from the processor for the exception
that occurred. |
ReasonCode | Reason code for the exception that occurred. |
RetryCount | Total number of payments that are pending in retry mode. |
SchemeOperator | Scheme
operator. |
SDKVersion | SDK version being
used. |
SettlementProcessor | Name of settlement processor. |
StorageMechanism | Storage mechanism being
used. |