Level II and Level III Data

For business to business customers, Level II and Level III processing can provide lower interchange rates in exchange for providing more information during a transaction.
Support for Level II and Level III data processing is processor and card specific.

Level II Data

Level II cards, which are also called
Type II cards
, provide customers with additional information on their credit card statements about their purchases. Level II cards enable customers to easily track the amount of sales tax they pay and to reconcile transactions with a unique customer code. There are two categories of Level II cards:
  • Business/corporate cards are given by businesses to employees for business-related expenses such as travel and entertainment or for corporate supplies and services.
  • Purchase/procurement cards are used by businesses for expenses such as supplies and services. These cards are often used as replacements for purchase orders.

Level III Data

You can provide Level III data for purchase/procurement cards, which are used by businesses for expenses such as supplies and services. These cards are often used as replacements for purchase orders. The Level III data is forwarded to the company that made the purchase. It enables the company to manage its purchasing activities.

Related Information

  • See Level II Processing for information that shows you how to process transactions that include Level II data.
  • See Level III Processing for information that shows how to process transactions that include Level III data.